Staying Healthy Over The Holiday Season
We know what it’s like, you have planned all year to stay fit and healthy ready for the big break only to find life gets in the way, you’ve over-indulged and need to have a last-ditch attempt to get feeling confident for the hotter weather.
Whilst it’s important to remember that everybody type is bikini-ready and the number on the scales doesn’t define who you are, that summer confidence comes from within and it’s important to keep both your mind and your body happy and healthy.
Exercising not only helps with any weight-loss or toning up you may be after but it also helps to release endorphins crucial to reducing stress, boosting self-esteem, improving sleep and warding off anxiety – no one wants to feel miserable on holiday!
Here are 5 top tips to staying happy and healthy over the summer holidays, whether you’re jetting off to a far and exotic land or exploring what the UK has to offer.
- Drink lots of water
Regardless of whether you’re working out or not, you need to stay hydrated both in the lead-up and on holiday. We all know the benefits of drinking water every day but it’s important to remember that in hotter weather you sweat more and, as a result, lose fluids. Avoid dehydration and feeling ‘off’ on your holiday by keeping a refillable water bottle with you at all times.
- Stay fit and active
As we’ve already mentioned, exercise is important not only for feeling your best whilst strutting around in swimwear but also for keeping your body fit. Hitting the gym or finding a sport or activity you enjoy will help you stay in better health, increase your energy levels and strengthen your heart ready for a quick sprint to the beach or running around after the kids.
At Trafford Leisure, we have a varied timetable of classes and sports you can get involved in, as well as swimming pools and the gym for you to enjoy. What’s more, if you sign up now you get 12 months for the price of 10 and are also automatically entered into a prize draw to win Thomas Cook vouchers for a last-minute escape!
- Indulge – but not too much
We’re not about to tell you not to have a cheeky treat while you’re on holiday – after all, that’s half the fun! – but make sure you keep up any good habits you had in the lead up to it. If you’re somewhere exotic, take advantage of the fresh fruit and veg available, for example, and don’t be tempted to eat more than you normally would just because the food is all inclusive. A good idea is to try and limit treats to a certain time of day and make sure you’re eating well for the majority of the other time.
Another thing to be conscious of is your alcohol intake. Whether you’re abroad or just off-work at home, binge drinking can lead to a whole host of problems and drinking alcohol in hot weather can very quickly lead to that dreaded dehydration.
- Allow yourself time to sleep
Both in the lead up to going on holiday and while you’re on it, it’s important to make sure you get lots of sleep. Many use holidays as an excuse for late nights due to the lack of work in the morning but you really should be using them as a time to recharge too. Get a few early nights before you jet off and then build on that with plenty of sleep when you’re away. It can be hard to adjust to the new climate but avoid letting the clammy nights get in the way of your 8 hours. Your body and mind will thank you for it when you come back refreshed and full of energy!
- Use the free time to develop healthy habits
So you’ve hammered the gym before you go away only to let that routine disappear on holiday and be non-existent when you get back to work. Use the free time you have to develop healthy, manageable habits you can maintain moving forward. If you’re abroad, take your trainers with you and work in a quick stroll in the morning or a half an hour workout at lunchtime. If you’re in the UK, get the bikes out and enjoy a ride with the kids in the local area. Your body will enjoy being active and getting the heart pumping will become part of your routine. By the time you get back to work, you’ll still crave the exercise and it’ll become easier to set time aside to do it.